Assuming that what is reported in the Kenyan mass media is only a fraction of what is happening in the ground, the Mungiki case to me qualifies to be one that needs serious urgency Mr President sir. Can anyone educate me otherwise because this to me is what I would call damning ridiculous: the fact that nothing is being done. At one instance some weeks back 29 villagers were taken down by this "outlawed" sect. And their reason, well, who really bothered to investigate?
Maybe the political instability after the elections might have helped legitimise this bloody group but I would be so intrigued if they actually closed their eyes (if in case they have any) did it on purpose
If I recall right, what I learned a government to be(a democratic one for the sake of this argument) is one that represents the people that voted it in. According to my understanding, a government seeks to protect its people just as importantly as it should its general sovereignty. When a sect like Mungiki gets out of hands and seems to be as strong as if they have some atomic weapons is completely puts me off. If the worst is this why should not help from the army be invoked as it seems the Kenya Police appear to be comprised(then again I understand this is not star-trek but there seems to be mixed feelings here and possibly some dirty tricks which we as the citizens of Kenya have not been told about but have been left to the evil hands of speculation.
When people die at the magnitude they are dying at the hands of Mungiki and yet a president does nothing to inspire some hope physically to me indicates a hole in the bag. I can not abstract this issue further since I am not on the ground but what the hell is Kibaki waiting for. I am only loking up to the president because as of now Mr Odinga has been given no such powers to be capacitated to turn things round and if I were Odinga I would really reconsider issues. Where on earth does a government fight its own. Just why will not fellow party members agree to support Raila for once for the sake of the Kenyan majority.
Democracy I say is at a huge test here and unless someone does something real quick, alternatives will sure have to crop up but I dare spare that thought for the benefit of my sanity. The government needs to step up real quick before these anti-Mungiki vigilantes take their missions too far out.