"Mizizi is a ten weeks experience, tailor made to facilitate you to connect with God, connect with your local church, your purpose and with lifelong friends. As you know, the taller and stronger the tree, the deeper its roots have to be. The same is true about life. If we want to be the kind of people who will fearlessly influence the society and have a long term impact, then we need to know God and grow deeper in our relationship with Him."Mizizi is a 10 week experience which promises lots to come. And maybe many more blog posts. Week 1 was introductory so I look forward to what the future weeks hold.
Saturday afternoon was moving along like any other with the nitty-grittys of the day like cleaning or the not-cleanings and it's probably the latter that led me to knock at my neighbour's for a hello. I'd met Peter coming from the bus one evening and he'd told me he's staying with his cousin and has been for the last three months. Fortunate enough Loma, the cousin, answered my knock and had some time for a chat (which slowly morphed into an afternoon at my place). Loma and Peter are both studying at the ANU. Loma's also reasonably new to Australia having having only been around 6 months. They are both from Papua New Guinea (PNG).
This wasn't a story my curious door knocking obsession but of how amazed I was to hear and share with Loma a story of his redemption and calling. A story of how the hand of God touched him and gave him a complete roundabout. Loma recounts oh how his life was ground-breakingly touched by God two years ago in PNG and how it has been a different pathway ever since. Peter says that Loma was literally dead but by what he now strongly knows and believes is the grace of God, was healed and is a living testimony of His works. I had to hijack the two into my house because I knew my housemate, Kavee, might also want to hear what these two had to testify (they also got to enjoy some our authentic Kenyan-styled tea in the process). So in my house, for about 3 hours, Loma shared his story with us which physically had me watering. That he has a prophetic message for Kenya also made the experience quite the unique one. That I have lived next door to him and not seen him until now is also unique and I think true to how God works. Loma explained his fascination with Kenya and how he can feel with strong conviction that the country has a a wider role to play in the world stage than it thinks. How there will be a strong leadership for the sake of God's kingdom and what he calls a "revival" being birthed and originated there. Having spent just a few hours with the man, I could clearly see the fear of God in him. As Loma gave an account of his experiences these last two years, I could clearly see he is true to serve and strikingly faithful in the things of God. He a man filled with the Holy Spirit and this clearly presents itself when he prays. That he sometimes goes up Mount Ainslie to pray at night in winter perhaps is one challenge many cant bring themselves to bear but Loma says he strongly believes in prayer and that cold and darkness do not bother him one bit. To me it felt like hitting a jackpot living next door to a man of such great faith. A man who has just started a church in Port Moresby. A church that is made of tent and is yet to have a name but Loma says it is a sanctuary of God. That he plans a crusade function but is not worried about where the money shall come from is true to how faithful he is in waiting for God. Lack of money may deter things but with Loma his motivation is beyond being broken by such material considerations! After all, the church he has planted is a testimony to this. It was really a blessing to share the few hours we did with Loma's family because we did invite them all later on in the afternoon. It seemed like the perfect timing because now both Loma and Peter are also newly enrolled to experience Mizizi with us.
As if that Saturday was not awesome enough, Sunday brought along its own goodness. Our C3 Watson Sunday morning service was graced by Pastors Steve and Deb White from C3 Monash and Steve had a prophetic message for me as he began to speak, "You are redeemed. You cant do anything for it. You need to accept it. You do not need to earn it any more. The price has been paid. You are redeemed." It's hard to write anything following that so I think all I shall say is Amen!
In many many ways God has been faithful through and through and Loma and Peter's story just serve to confirm that. I can not think of anything better than finishing off with Psalm 8:
Lord, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory
in the heavens.
Through the praise of children and infants
you have established a stronghold against your enemies,
to silence the foe and the avenger.
When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
human beings that you care for them?You have made them a little lower than the angels
and crowned them with glory and honor.
You made them rulers over the works of your hands;
you put everything under their feet:
all flocks and herds,
and the animals of the wild,
the birds in the sky,
and the fish in the sea,
all that swim the paths of the seas.Lord, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!
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