As issues of climate gain prominence this week as the Copenhagen Climate Conference draw nigh, all we can hope for is for our leaders to come with conclusively successful agreements. With the global state of the economy still not as sure-footed as it was thought to be three years ago, we can only hope for a positive outcome from these talks. Climate change policies require a deliberate globalised effort from each and every other country, big or small, land-locked or coastal and even rich or poor.
The question of compromise should surely not be allowed to bring disunity as it seems likely to do so. Although it should be a globalised effort, the huge polluters should surely agree with the numbers and take serious measures directly proportional to their footprints. For earth's sake, capitalists should agree that a major market failure needs fixing and should therefore feel obliged to want to do more. They have all convinced us that something is being done but 'more' is needed than just the bare minimum.
Nations can disagree on anything else else but climate change. Just to mention two, Australia and the US should stop politicising their domestic policies which seem to be struggling in the respective houses of parliaments.
God help us.