Friday, November 7, 2008

The Virus to talk about;HIV

HIV/AIDS is one topic that has continued to attack the third world countries with a growing hurricane-like velocity. People and organizations have tried to bisect the real problem that is keeping people in the hole instead of pulling them out. The findings are not all that exciting because it all comes back to the simple basic issue namely lack of proper education. This piece of information is no news. It would be surprising though how 25 years a period of more than a decade could not drive the point home. It continues to disturb my mind how a few 30 million in a typical third world country would not be well informed about a menace.
Then again there is a second case scenario whereby the game ball shifts to the people now. Is there a possibility of people being over-ignorant to such a detrimental extent? Could it be that all education lands on deaf ears? Could it be that non-profit organisations siphon charity money to their own pockets in stead of carrying on their divine task of educating the masses?

In my opinion the solution lies in government action and more investment into the sector lest the rate of lives lost to the menace grows exponentially. Governments should directly provide the help needed to curb the problem not through organizations of charity because in the days we are in today you never know who is and who is not for charity.
Typical examples can be exuded from first world countries which devoted an enormous amount of funds into the education in the earlier days of infections. They turned every stone so it became very easy for them to rest unwary of snakes. The third world countries should follow the same steps although it is late. Better late than never.

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