Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A few thoughts about Zimbabwe

When I think of Zimbabwe I am definitely left with sympathy like any other outsider would given Zimbabwe's current chaos. Whatever happened to the country along the way I was not around enough to keep track of but there is one side of it I am keen to notice. Amongst all the current African leaders none has actually been quick to judge the situation. None had told the man from Southern Rhodesia in the magnitude that Raila Odinga is doing.

Raila Odinga is the concern of my wanting to blog because I clearly fail to understand the undivided devotion he has into 'saving' Zimbabwe. My concern would not be substantial if the words I heard from the current Kenyan Prime Minister came from the mouths of Yoweri Museveni or even President Yahya to say the least. Raila has been a Prime Minister for not longer than a year and he decisively thinks he can yell us that whatever he is saying is not coming from the United States of America.

To me the States is the answer to quite a lot of questions in my mind but the fact that their 'stakes' in Zimbabwe Rhodesia are almost nil, they can dare use a third party to convey their message. To me that is what America is. For as long as the poor country has nothing to offer in return America can as well watch as the population suffers consistently.

I am looking forward to the day a powerful front will unite against Mugabe simply because I am human but then again it needs to be done quick and directly. By powerful front I do not exclude the United Kingdom, Russia, China or even Russia and whoever the United Nations has mandate over although their chances are minimal considering that Mugabe knows the game.

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