Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Test Of Faith

I always wanted to attribute my christianity and faith(which I would want to believe is undivided to God) to my rural upbringing. Something for which I owe so much to the village where I was born and raised. Ironically though I never really attended formal sunday school classes as other kids would because I would always sneak into the main church where the elongated service was held. Maybe I just liked being there as a way of mischief but one thing was for sure, I wasn't getting bored with doing that each and every other sunday service. My grandparents, with whom I lived with then always said they were fascinated by my perpetual interest in the church and more so the main service. It was a Presbyterian church and now that am at it I still can't explain how I held up a 4 hour service as that was how long it would normally take. The time never really seemed to a bother at that time of my childhood. As I grew up and was now well into my youth my heart didn't seem disinterested enough by the prospect of church-going although like every other kid at such tender age, it did pose some questions whether to go or not. I have always found comfort in having to congregate in church my reasons nice and simple; a quiet place to worship God and grow. Faith in God to me to me is something I believe is personal and depends so much with every individual's attitude. My upbringing did contribute a considerable deal to me being as pious as I would want to think I am but also it was only keeping the habit up by my own discretion and no duress ever forced me to do what I did. If there are things in life that really matter, I think the upbringing of kids should be on top of the list. It gives me joy to proclaim God's love and continued support in all these things because of course he is the maker of all things and the graceful one here. It has been a while since I sat and wrote something so i really hope this one is worth the while for now. Until next time that was "Something That Mattered". DAVID KINYUA

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